

Filing Bankruptcy Due to Medical Bills

  The constantly increasing price of medical care in the United States has created a substantial challenge for many families. As a result, statistics suggest that a large number of individual decide to file bankruptcy due to medical bills. Many families discover that bankruptcy can be a particularly helpful thing in these situations. The bankruptcy process is complicated, however, which is why many individuals decide to obtain the assistance of an experienced Florida bankruptcy attorney. Ch[...]

The Impact of Bankruptcy on Medical Debt

A large number of Americans end up in financial debt due to the high costs associated with medical care. Many Americans who are diagnosed with serious medical conditions as well as who are involved in serious accidents can end up facing hefty medical bills. Many of those people decide to utilize the bankruptcy process to alleviate financial strain and unmanageable debt. This is because if you declare bankruptcy, your medical bills will often be part of your discharged debt. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy [...]